Ferrymill Motors Ltd offers a unique approach if your vehicle is involved in an accident which is not your fault and provides an all-inclusive service which takes care of your insurance administration needs, vehicle repair and comparable replacement vehicle or compensation claim for loss of use. This is available whether your insurance cover is Third Party or Comprehensive.
In the event of a non-fault accident, phone our claims department for immediate advice and assistance. Your vehicle will be uplifted from the accident scene or storage location and transported to our bodyshop.
A comparable vehicle will be supplied, or ‘loss of use’ claim will be prepared, depending on your preference. Cost of repair will be agreed with an independent insurance engineer within 24 hours.
All repairs will be carried out by our experienced, qualified staff and your vehicle will be returned to you fully repaired and valeted.
Just some of our fleet available to you
Copyright © 2013 Registered in Scotland SC 643332 , VAT Reg. No 337 3838 77
Ferrymill Motors Ltd, Campsie Road, Torrance, Glasgow, G64 4BP. Tel: 01360 620544